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What is standard flow rate?
2024-03-28 10:24:00

Standard flow rate: The volumetric flow rate obtained through temperature and pressure compensation.

Standard Conditions Flow Rate refers to the volumetric flow rate of a fluid under a set of standard conditions. These standard conditions typically include specific temperatures, pressures, and humidity. In the definition of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the standard conditions for standard flow rate are usually a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius (sometimes 0 ℃ or 25 ℃), a pressure of 1 atmosphere (101.325 kPa), and a humidity of 0% relative humidity. The measured fluid volume flow rate under these conditions is the standard flow rate.

Standard traffic is mainly used to compare and evaluate traffic under different conditions for accurate comparison and analysis. For example, in the calibration process of flow meters, the standard flow rate is an important reference indicator. When compressed gas is released into a standard condition environment, its converted volume is also the standard condition flow rate.

It should be noted that the standard flow rate is fixed and will not change with changes in the working environment. Therefore, when comparing flow data under different conditions, standard flow provides a unified benchmark.